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Date: Tue, 20 Apr 93 04:30:09 PDT
From: Advanced Amateur Radio Networking Group <tcp-group@ucsd.edu>
Errors-To: TCP-Group-Errors@UCSD.Edu
Reply-To: TCP-Group@UCSD.Edu
Precedence: Bulk
Subject: TCP-Group Digest V93 #103
To: tcp-group-digest
TCP-Group Digest Tue, 20 Apr 93 Volume 93 : Issue 103
Today's Topics:
CL1602/NE2000 problem
HELP 1.08 mail loop! (from N3KFY, forwarded by AF2J)
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <TCP-Group@UCSD.Edu>.
Subscription requests to <TCP-Group-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>.
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the TCP-Group Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 93 08:48:57 MET
From: larsh@front.se
Subject: CL1602/NE2000 problem
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
>Not directly related to TCP/IP development, but perhaps someone has
>seen this before and can help me:
>I want set up NOS on a local ethernet, but I can't get the Clarkson
>packet driver NE2000 (both Versons 9 and 10) work on a CL1602 ethernet
>board, which is NE2000 compatible.
>The packet driver can send thru the board, but it DOES NOT RECEIVE
>The reason could normally be a badly configured IRQ, but ... :
I've run another NE2000 board (do not remember the name)
in both an 8 MHz XT, an 12 MHz 286 and a 386/25. A similar
problem confuses me and it ended up with IRQ collision.
I finished with "ne2000 0x60 5 0x300" and it runned OK.
1) 0x67 and 0x180 does not sound familiar to me.
2) Ethernet address 00:00:00:92:63:64 ? Is this an OK address ?
>And yes, both CL1602 boards are technically OK, they work perfectly in a
>friend's AT in an original NOVELL network environment when replacing
>an original NE2000 board there. So they ARE compatible.
May be other switch settings for the Novell compared to
this config ?
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 93 21:39:46 EDT
From: jmr@ruth.ece.psu.edu (Joe Reinhardt)
Subject: HELP 1.08 mail loop! (from N3KFY, forwarded by AF2J)
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 93 23:29:26 UTC
From: n3kfy@n3kfy.ampr.org
To: tcp-group%ucsd.edu@gw.af2j
Subject: HELP 1.08 mail loop!
Ok..Here is is...my smtp trace..haven't changed the rewrite file for months.
If I bring up 1.04 it delivers it properly. I need the 386 code to have enough
memory to run buckbook. Don't thik the AT shell is the best way to save memory.
smtp sent: .
smtpcli recv: 452 Duplicate BID in Message-Id line
smtp sent: QUIT
smtp daemon entered, target =
MX lookup for = n3kfy.ampr.org
Mailroute returned =
queue job 10886 From: n3bzn%wj3g@n3kfy.ampr.org To: bbs
Trying Connection to
SMTP client Trying...
smtpcli recv: 220 n3kfy.ampr.org SMTP ready
smtp sent: XLZW 9 0
smtpcli recv: 250 9 0 LZW Ok
smtp sent: HELO n3kfy.ampr.org
smtp sent: MAIL FROM:<n3bzn%wj3g@n3kfy.ampr.org>
smtp sent: RCPT TO:<bbs>
smtp sent: DATA
smtpcli recv: 250 n3kfy.ampr.org, Share and Enjoy!
smtpcli recv: 250 Ok
smtpcli recv: 250 Ok
smtpcli recv: 354 Enter mail, end with .
smtp sent: .
smtpcli recv: 452 Duplicate BID in Message-Id line
smtp sent: .
smtpcli recv: 452 Duplicate BID in Message-Id line
smtp sent: QUIT
smtp daemon entered, target =
MX lookup for = n3kfy.ampr.org
Mailroute returned =
queue job 10886 From: n3bzn%wj3g@n3kfy.ampr.org To: bbs
Trying Connection to
SMTP client Trying...
smtpcli recv: 220 n3kfy.ampr.org SMTP ready
smtp sent: XLZW 9 0
smtpcli recv: 250 9 0 LZW Ok
smtp sent: HELO n3kfy.ampr.org
smtp sent: MAIL FROM:<n3bzn%wj3g@n3kfy.ampr.org>
smtp sent: RCPT TO:<bbs>
smtp sent: DATA
smtpcli recv: 250 n3kfy.ampr.org, Share and Enjoy!
smtpcli recv: 250 Ok
smtpcli recv: 250 Ok
smtpcli recv: 354 Enter mail, end with .
smtp sent: .
smtpcli recv: 452 Duplicate BID in Message-Id line
anyone got ideas????? Help ...help ...help......
Regards to all,
Fred Hess
n3kfy@n3kfy.ampr.org []
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 93 10:58:35 +1000
From: wkt@csadfa.cs.adfa.oz.au (Warren Toomey)
To: wtpz2234@servus.rus.uni-stuttgart.de, tcp-group@ucsd.edu
In atricle by wtpz2234@servus.rus.uni-stuttgart.de:
> Not directly related to TCP/IP development, but perhaps someone has
> seen this before and can help me:
> I want set up NOS on a local ethernet, but I can't get the Clarkson
> packet driver NE2000 (both Versons 9 and 10) work on a CL1602 ethernet
> board, which is NE2000 compatible.
I had trouble with a NE2000 clone, my ISA bus clock speed was too high.
I had to bring it back to the 8MHz for it to work. Maybe you have a
similar situation.
Warren vk1xwt
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 23:27:20 +0200
From: wtpz2234@servus.rus.uni-stuttgart.de
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
Not directly related to TCP/IP development, but perhaps someone has
seen this before and can help me:
I want set up NOS on a local ethernet, but I can't get the Clarkson
packet driver NE2000 (both Versons 9 and 10) work on a CL1602 ethernet
board, which is NE2000 compatible.
The packet driver can send thru the board, but it DOES NOT RECEIVE
The reason could normally be a badly configured IRQ, but ... :
I tried two boards in two different ATs (an old AT-286 and an AT-386),
tried different board configurations testing all unused IRQs possible
(3,5,7,10,11,12) and many different I/O address ranges available
0x300 0x380 0x180 ... , with all additional hardware and software
which could interfere being removed.
The ethernet thinwire connection is not broken but OK.
The packet driver installs without error and correctly reads the
board's address:
--- e.g. ne2000 0x66 5 0x180 ---
Packet driver is at segment 1AF2
Using 80[123]86 I/O instructions.
Interrupt number 0x5 (5)
I/O port 0x180 (384)
My Ethernet address is 00:00:00:92:63:64
A WD ethernet board put into the ATs for test instead of the CL1602
works correctly:
--- wd8003e 0x67 10 0x300 0xcc00 ---
PKTALL on the WD8003 receives all the frames sent by PKTSEND through
the other NE2000 driver.
And yes, both CL1602 boards are technically OK, they work perfectly in a
friend's AT in an original NOVELL network environment when replacing
an original NE2000 board there. So they ARE compatible.
So, what is wrong ? Why doesn't the packet driver receive anything ?
What can I do ? ... trashing the NE2000-clones and buying WD boards
instead is not the preferred solution.
Ralf (dl4ta)
End of TCP-Group Digest V93 #103